TDA in tennis halls
Indoor sports facilities usually have large room heights. As a result, the warm air generated during heating rises and forms a layer of heat. Here it is particularly important to bring this warm air draught-free into the occupied area, since sweating humans feel substantially früher, air movements as draught.
In summer, outside the heating period, it is usually very warm in the interior of sports facilities, the air stands. The possibility of using the TDA-Control as a manual speed controller can create a comfortable environment here that is pleasant for the users.
Tennis halls are äußerst heiz-kostenintensiv!
Every operator of a tennis hall will agree with this statement. Due to insufficient insulation in older halls, but also the natural convection process, the temperature on the floor is always significantly lower than in the ceiling area.
The TDA system provides a remedy. It brings the heat under the hall roof into the occupied area without drafts. The adjacent arrangement prevents the players from being annoyed by reflection and air movement.
Cut through a tennis hall: ideal arrangement of TDA fans.
The selection diagram Geräte / 1,000m² under "technical design" is based on the requirements in storage rooms. The air exchange rate is relatively high here to prevent mold moisture. In the sports sector, other laws apply. Due to the large room height, the completely free air area and people under athletic activity, fewer devices are required.
Hard to heat, high heating costs: indoor tennis courts are high on heating costs!
The optimal positioning of the TDA devicesäte in a tennis hall: On the dividing line between the courts, with a distance of 5 - 8 m from the net.
TDA control and regulation | TDA-Sytem- Fans | TDA in tennis halls | TDA in storage and production | How are thermal coatings created | Sample calculation TDA system |