How are thermal coatings created?
Much "wasted" heating energy! The heating of large, high ceilings requires an enormous amount of energy. Following the laws of physics, heated air rises and forms a heat cushion under the ceiling. This effect is familiar to anyone who has ever worked under a ceiling while standing on a ladder. The higher a room is, the more heat accumulates under the ceiling.
What causes heat buildup? Warm air has a lower specific gravity than cold air. This has the consequence that cold air accumulates in the floor area and erwärmte air in the ceiling area. Incoming cold air „falls" directly to the floor and collects there. For the use of a room, the temperature at floor level is almost always relevant, as this is the area where people stay and work.
Without TDA system:
Heated air collects in the ceiling area - on the floor, where people stay and work, it is fußcold. Enormous heating costs are given away!
With TDA system:
An almost uniform Wäßige Wärmeverteilung without horizon- tale Lasen (stratifications) and thus use of this otherwise wasted, expensive heating costs !
To achieve a sufficient temperature in floor level, either costly energy can be wasted or cost effective mixing of the available air to achieve a constant average temperature throughout the room. The TDA (Temperature Difference Equalization) system first determines the difference between the floor and ceiling areas. It controls special fans that transport the warm air from the ceiling area down into the occupied and working areas without drafts. According to the temperature difference (ΔT), the control is fully automatic. The operating costs (energy consumption) of the system are based on experienceä&aircooled; less than 5% of the heating costs saved.
TDA control and regulation | TDA system fans | TDA Design | TDA in storage and production | TDA in tennis halls | Sample bill TDA system |